Volunteer Trip Photos
Providing medical and food aid to Lakhanpur and Bodhgaya.
Cambodia Trip Volunteers: David Ault, Ian Folker, Michael Chambers, Victoria LaFortune, Sabine Ucik
Cambodia Trip Volunteers: Nancy Allen, David Ault, Josette Harris, Niki Murphy, Birgit Porter, Gwen Smith, Roger Smith, Kelly Thomas, Gary Williams
Guatemala Trip Volunteers: Joan DeRango, David Ault, Ian Folker, Gustavo Bueno, Kamarly Warshaw
Guatemala Trip Volunteers: Ty Andrews, Michael Chambers, Jennifer Earl, Ian Folker, Stephanie Marcellino, Tarcisco Marcellino, Christina O’Meara, Michael Murphy, Niki Murphy, Lori Sheets, Diane St. Clair, David Ault
Cambodia Trip Volunteers: Ian Folker, Niki Murphy, Michael Murphy, Jennifer Earl, Kush Smith, Alan Smith, Mary Simpson, Kami Hudson, Janet Riley, Tom O’Connell, Stephanie Miller, Joani Bean, Stefanie Thuesen, Cindy Nolan, Ellyn Green, Carol Land, David Ault
Guatemala Trip Volunteers: Niki Murphy, Chike Mahkah, Randy Stephenson, Carol Land, Jennifer Earl, David Ault
Cambodia Trip Volunteers: Ian Folker, Niki Murphy, Chike Mahka, Christine O’Meara, DeWitt Kierstead, Larry Bergman, Lori Sheets, Victoria LaFortune, Jean Bell, David Ault
Cambodia Trip Volunteers: Ian Folker, Niki Murphy, Diane St. Clair, Suzanne Wilson, Laura Wolf, Marcia Partin, Sharman Colosetti, Chike Mahka, Kathie Snyder, Lexa King, Doris Seiden, David Ault
Cambodia Trip Volunteers: Ty Andrews, Victoria LaFortune, Lorri Palko, Deb Brake, Lila Moss Harris, Ian Folker, Ernest Eglen, Judy Hadley, Barb Miller, Niki Murphy, Alexandra Richardson, Rebecca Brown, Diane St. Clair, Remy Woods, David Ault
Cambodia Trip Volunteers: Roland August, Tracey Owens, Carla McClellan, Kamy Rea Lavanchy, Tracey Widmer Sve, Wendy Geise, Victoria LaFortune, Jennifer Mann, Kiara Lavanchy, Christina Baldwin O’Meara, David Ault
Cambodia Trip Volunteers: Norma Palus, Ty Andrews, Roland Leveque, Tiffany Wong, Judy Hadley, Jonni Vann, Lori Sheets, Jennifer Mann, Victoria LaFortune, Tiffany Leveque Deubner, Megan White, Leigh Vanderels, David Ault
Cambodia Volunteer Trip