The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability.

Remy from the movie, Ratatouille

Yes, a quote from an animated rat sums up our collective year so accurately, don’t you think? Unpredictable and dizzying. 2020 has certainly been this and Classroom Bodhgaya, India more. In our efforts to look for the good, we turn to you, our Kaleidoscope supporters. You’ve shown us that wondrous hearts are forever around us.

Thank you for your sustaining support even when your own world was uncertain. I hope you will pause and take that in.

You helped keep our mission of free quality education alive in the vulnerable territories of Cambodia, India, and Guatemala where we serve. You helped keep a lesson plan delivered in Cambodia. You helped bring sustainable food supplies to families in the slums of India so that hunger would not have to be one more thing to worry about. You helped keep a Kaleidoscope teacher employed so that they could continue contributing to their households. You helped students in the highlands of Guatemala know their scholarship was secure.

You helped keep hope alive.

We’re unsure when we’ll be able to get to our Kaleidoscope families and classrooms abroad or when we can extend a safe invitation for you to travel with us and experience this life-changing work firsthand. Yet our mission of providing global education in under-resourced and impoverished territories remains steadfast. Know with us that the beginning work to bring science and technology curriculum for the children in the slums of India, scholastic scholarships for more students in our Guatemala programs and advanced training for our Cambodian teachers is an unfolding reality. 2021 holds such promise! As we come to the end of this year, everyone involved with Kaleidoscope Child Foundation is refreshed in their dedication to reaching these goals and more. We hope you will journey with us!

2021 Goals:

Angel Patrons

Our main goal is to expand the number of committed pledgers in order to guarantee our monthly expense rate is met. To reach this, we need an additional $6482 in monthly pledges. Here are examples of how significant your contribution is and how you can help us reach this milestone.

  • A monthly donation of $20 provides education to one child for an entire year.
  • A monthly donation of $50 provides education for two children plus several weekly meals.
  • A monthly donation of $100 provides education for two children plus keeps school supplies stocked, utilities paid, fresh water initiatives available, and much more!

Field Support

We are looking for assistance from knowledgeable individuals who’d like to help Kaleidoscope elevate its presence through marketing and technology. This ever-present need is always welcomed and helps our limited staff optimize our mission. If you have the time and would like to contribute your skills to a worthwhile cause, contact us at

Other Ways To Help!

Yoga Pops!

Our Holiday Promotion!

Thanks to the generosity of Route To India, Kaleidoscope benefits from your mindful munching! 25% of the proceeds from their Ayurveda snack food Yoga Pops goes to help our schools in the state of Bihar in India.

End of Year Lump Sum Contribution

Kaleidoscope Child Foundation is a registered non-profit (501c3) and your gift is tax-deductible.

And again, become an Angel Patron!

An angel patron is someone who commits to giving through monthly automatic deduction. It’s easy to enroll and it helps us breathe a bit easier when we know that a dedicated amount is expected. You get to pick the amount and the designated day of the month it is transmitted. There are also other opportunities such as legacy giving, corporate matching gift programs, and other avenues of giving that help keep our global education programs possible. Visit our donate page for more information!